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Fermat's Last Theorem. Proof of Pierre Fermat /The end/

*) The KEY Lemma.

All calculations are done with numbers in base n, a prime number greater than 2.

The notations that are used in the proofs:

A', A'', A''', A(k) – the first, the second, the third, the k-th digit from the end of the number A;

A[k] is the k-digit ending of the number A (i.e. A[k] = A mod nk).


The KEY Lemma about the endings compound-power numbers of the type An^k.


The equation an^{k+1}[k+2]=[(xn^{k+1}+an^{k+1}[k+2] )(yn^{k+1}+1)][k+2],

where k>0, 1<a<n, x and y are digits,

has a unique solution: x=y=0.


Since the proof for any k and 1<a<n is exactly the same, we will present the proof of the Lemma only for k=1 (this is the starting case in the proof of FLT):


1°) The equation an^2[3]=[(xn^2+an^2[3] )(yn^2+1)][3] has a unique solution: x=y=0.



2°) Opening the brackets in 1°, we find: (x+ay)'n2=0, hence x=(-ay)'.

Now let's increase of the equality 1° (where x and y are DIGITS) into (n-1)-th degree.


3°) The factor (yn2+1)n-1[3] =[(n-1)yn2+1][3] and has the third digit [(n-1)y]'.


The three-digit ending of the number xn2+an^2 in (n-1)-th degree is equal to

4°) [(n-1)xn2(an^2)n-2+1][3],

where an^2'=a (see Little Theorem), and the third digit of the 4° will be equal to

(n-1)xan-2, or

5°) (n-1)xan-1/a, where an-1'=1.


And now the third digit of the product (xn2+an^2[3] )n-1*(yn2+1)n-1 will be equal to:

6°) (n-1)x/a+a(n-1)y [=0], from which it follows

7°) x=-a2y, where a≠1 (!). And inx=-ay. From here we find that

8°) a2y=ay, or ya(a-1)=0, where a>1. And hence y=0 and x=0.

The theorem is proved.


Victor Sorokine. Mezos. 2 March 2017


Категория: Виктор Сорокин. Не может быть. | Добавил: victorsorokin (03.04.2017) | Автор: Виктор Сорокин E
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