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Fermat's Last Theorem. Proof of Pierre Fermat. 5.5.2017

The authentic proof of the Fermat's Last Theorem


In Memory of my MOTHER


All calculations are done with numbers in base n, a prime number greater than 2.

The notations that are used in the proofs:

A' – the first digit from the end of the number A;

A[k] is the k-digit ending of the number A (i.e. A[k] = A mod nk);



Here the well known properties of Fermat’s equality for natural and coprime numbers A,B,C:


1°) An=Cn-Bn [=(C-B)P] //and Bn=Cn-An [=(C-A)Q], Cn=An+Bn [=(A+B)R]//. From here


1a°) (C-B)P+(C-A)Q-(A+B)R=0, where we denote with the letters a, b, c the greatest common divisors, respectively, of the pairs of numbers (A, C-B), (B, C-A), (C, A+B).


2°) if (ABC)'≠0, then C-B=an, P=pn, A=ap; C-A=bn, Q=qn, B=bq; A+B=cn, R=rn, C=cr;

2a°) but if, for example, B[k]=0, but B[k+1]≠0, then (C-A)[kn-1]=0, where kn-1>k (what is important in 8-2°);


3°) the number U=A+B-C=unk, where k>1.

From here we find that (A+B)-(C-B)-(C-A)=2U and (if k=2)


3a-1°) A[2]=an[2]=a'n[2], B[2]=bn[2]=a'n[2], C[2]=cn[2]=a'n[2]; consequently (see 5°),

3b-1°) An[3]=a'nn[3], Bn[3]=b'nn[3] ; Cn[3]=c'nn[3]; consequently (see 1°),

3c-1°) a'nn[3]+b'nn[3]-c'nn[3]=(An[3]+Bn[3]-Cn[3])[3]=0.


4°) The digit An(k+1) is uniquely determined by the ending of A[k] (a simple consequence of the binomial theorem).


5°) Lemma. Every prime divisor of the factor R of the binomial

An^k+Bn^k=(An^{k-1}+Bn^{k-1})R, where k>1, the natural numbers A and B are mutually prime and the number A+B is not a multiple of a prime n>2, can be presented as: m=dnk+1

(http://www.mathforum.ru/forum/read/1/20535/page/63/ and /65/ - in Russian).




And now the proof itself FLT. It consists of an endless sequence of cycles in which the exponent k (3°), starting with the value 2, increases in 1.


Thus, we consider the equality 3c-1° on three-digit endings:


6°) a'nn[3]=[c'nn[3]-b'nn[3]][3]=(c'nn[3]-b'nn[3])P[3]][3], where:

a) according to Lemma 5°, each prime factor of the number P ends with 01, and

b) each prime cofactor of the number P is in degree n.

And consequently (see 4°) P[3]=001. Similarly and Q[3]=R[3]=001.


And now from the equality 1a°, we have: [(C-B)+(C-A)-(A+B)][3]=0. Where

7-2°) the number U=A+B-C=un3, so NOW k=3, and we compose the source data for the next cycle (increasing k by 1):


3a-2°) A[3]=ann[3]=a'nn[3], B[3]=bnn[3]=a'nn[3], C[3]=cnn[3]=a'nn[3]; consequently (see 4°),

3b-2°) An[4]=a'nnn[4], Bn[4]=b'nnn[4], Cn[4]=c'nnn[4]; consequently (see 1°),

3c-2°) (An[4]+Bn[4]-Cn[4])[4]=a'nnn[4]+b'nnn[4]-c'nnn[4]=0.

[And if, for example, B[2]=0, then (C-A)[kn-1]=0 and from 1a° we find that

2B[3]=0 и U[3]=0.]


Then we repeat the reasoning of 6°-7° with obtaining k=4 and go to the next cycle. And so on to infinity. Finally, the end of the numbers A, B, C take the following form:


8°) A[k+1]=a'n^k[k+1], B[k+1]=b'n^k[k+1], C[k+1]=c'n^k[k+1], where k tends to infinity,

that indicates the impossibility of the equality of 1° and of the truth of the FLT.


Victor Sorokine. Mezos. 5.5.2017


Control text in Word, see: http://rm.pp.net.ua/



Категория: Виктор Сорокин. Не может быть. | Добавил: victorsorokin (03.04.2017) | Автор: Виктор Сорокин E
Просмотров: 1185 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 3

Решаемая Вами задача не является оригинальной теоремой Ферма. (Какие-то фантазии из википедии.)
Оригинальную теорему и П.Ферма разбивал на две части: случай степени n=2t он доказывал отдельно. Я этот случай не затрагивал, т.к. он был доказан давным давно.
А все остальные случаи сводятся к случаю простого n>2, который фантазией не является.
В том то и дело что не сводятся: https://vk.com/fermats_last_theorem


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