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Fermat's Last Theorem. Proof in 1 operation.

Fermat's Theorem: Equality (for prime degree n>2)
1*) an+bn-cn=0 in positive integers a, b, c does not exist.

The notation and lemmas /Pour les preuves des lemmes, voir l'annexe
https://vixra.org/pdf/1707.0410v1.pdf /

a’, a’’; a’’’ - 1st, 2nd, 3rd digit from the end in the number a in the number system with a prime base n>2;
a[2], a[3], a[4] - two-, three-, four-digit ending of the number a;
nn - n*n.

L1. If digit a' is not 0, then (an-1)’=1. (Fermat's little theorem.)

L1a. Therefore: (an-1)n[2]=01, (an-1)nn[3]=001.

L2 (key!). There is such a digit d that the second digit  (dn)'' is not zero. [ Indeed, if all second digits are equal to zero, then the second digit of the sum of the number series dn, where d = 1, 2, ... n-1, is not zero and is equal to (n-1)/2, which is incorrect. ]

L3. For k>1, the k-th digit in the number an does not depend on the k-th digit of the base a.
L3a. Consequence. If a’ is not equal to 0, then digits an[2] and ann[3] are functions of only a’ and do not depend on the digits of higher ranks.

2*) In Fermat's equality 1* two-digit endings of numbers a, b, c, not multiples of n, there are two-digit endings of degrees a’n, b’n, c’n.

Therefore, the number a (like b and c) can be represented as a=a’n+An2, where A=(a-a[2])/n2, and the number an (and bn and cn) can be represented as

3*) an=(a’n+An2)n=a’nn+An3*a’n(n-1)+An5*a’n(n-2)+...,  (and similarly bn=... и cn=...),

where [(A’+B’-C’)/n3][2] = -[(an+bn-cn)/n3][2] and [insofar as (an-1)’=(bn-1)’=(cn-1)’=1]

a’n(n-1)[2]=b’n(n-1)[2]=c’n(n-1)[2]=01 . 

And now the equality 1 * can be written by five-digit endings in the form:

4*) (a’nn+b’nn-c’nn)[5] + (a+b-c)[2]n3 + Dn5 = 0.

L4. If in the equality 1* the number a ends, for example, with k zeros (k is always greater than 1!), then by multiplying the equality by some number gnnn one can convert the ending of the number b (or c) of length kn+5 digits into 1.

And now the very PROOF of Fermat's theorem.

5*) Multiply equalities 1* and, accordingly, 4* by the number dn  from L.2.

And we see that the two-digit ending of the number (a+b-c)[2] multiplied by the single-digit number d, and the two-digit ending of the number [(a’nn+b’nn-c’nn)/n3][2] - EQUAL IN VALUE (but with the opposite sign) - multiplied by the two-digit ending of the number dn with a non-zero second digit. And, therefore, the equivalent equality 4* turned into INEQUALITY.

The second case (for example, the number a ends in k zeros) is proved similarly and even somewhat easier.

After converting the (kn+5)-digit ending of b into 1, we obtain the equality of the three-digit ending of the significant part of the power an to the three-digit ending of the base of the number cn without the unit (kn)-digit ending. And now, after multiplying Fermat's equality by dn (out of 5 *), the two-digit ending of the number c will be multiplied by a single-digit d, and the two-digit ending of the number an with the EQUAL ending will be multiplied by the two-digit ending of the number dn with an equal last digit (dn)'  [ ...=d' ] but with positive d'', thus turning equality into an equivalent inequality.

This proves the truth of Fermat's great theorem for a prime degree.

Victor Sorokine
03.09.2020. Mézos, France.


Категория: Виктор Сорокин | Добавил: victorsorokin (15.09.2020) | Автор: Виктор Сорокин E W
Просмотров: 882 | Комментарии: 2 | Теги: FLT, Fermat's_Last_Theorem | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 2

Виктор Михайлович, это что-то новое или то, что Вы публиковали раньше на нашем сайте? )
Это в том же инструментарии, но на порядок проще. Получается, что это доказательство (без предварительной теории простого числа и равенства Ферма) - одно из самых простых в математике. И это удивительно.


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