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Главная » 2016 » Декабрь » 22 » Новорічні вітання учасникам водних проектів від Секретаріату Водної конвенції
Новорічні вітання учасникам водних проектів від Секретаріату Водної конвенції

Dear Colleagues,

As this year comes to an end, we would like to sincerely thank you for your collaboration and continued support in 2016. 

The year 2016 marked an important milestone in the history of the Water Convention. Twenty years passed since the Convention entered into force. This celebration gave an opportunity to look back and reflect on the successes achieved and challenges encountered. At the same time, it offered an occasion to discuss the future and plan ahead for further advancing transboundary water cooperation, effectively implementing the Convention and supporting interested countries to accede to it. 

We very much look forward to continued collaboration with you in the coming years. 

We wish you and your families and friends a wonderful holiday season and a happy, successful and prosperous New Year 2017! 

Thank you and best regards,

The Water Convention secretariat

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